Sunday, March 30, 2014

In D&D you get a chance to craft your own items. When you kill creatures sometimes if you roll well you can get skin or poisons and other items that can be used for weapons and armor. the high a character get the more they want to go hunting for the unique or dangerous creatures for their items are worth more and make better stuff. a lot of players like going after dragons for the parts or a dragon are worth a lot especially if you can craft the items and sell them. I know when I was playing and not GM/DMing I wanted to have dragon armor for some dragon armor can protect you from the elements  plus its helps some casters to protect them with out taking a hit on casting. dragon armor is considered light armor like leather and cloth. if you ware plate and you are a caster you can take penalties for wearing plate. you will be protected but what about the party you are with are you going to be able to heal them or be able to cast that magic missal. so when you are looking at gear you need to be aware of what you can and can't wear. Sometimes you get your hands on an item that can send you to a house or a place you can place your extra stuff that you can not carry with you. or you stumble upon a wizards place that lets you come a go as you want. this is the place you do your crafting to make the armor or the weapons that let you hit harder or protect you better from magic and other abilities that creatures can have to control you or try and fear you from attacking them.
There are items that you can make your skills better like a rouge be invisible or he's slit of hand better to get items from people without them knowing. or a fight to hit harder or a sorcerer to cast stronger magic or allow a cleric to be able to cast healing spells that can not be interrupted or dispelled. there is a lot of things that can made that are better if you can craft them yourself then going out to buy them. sometimes you don't always come to a town that is selling the items you are looking for anyways so its a good idea to learn to craft them. there are times were you can go for days with out meeting a person or come to a town you are out there in the wilderness in the elements living on what you have or what is in your place that you have. so getting to know what you and your party needs makes the game a little more interesting and fun.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Well now that we have our start now we have to figure out what is your next move do you trust the people around you or do you trust the female standing in front of you. She offers you all a drink and the others are asking what is it. She assures you all its not poison and if she wanted to kill you all then you won't be standing. That's fair enough as one says and they all drink and you decide to watch and nothing happens to them so you drink  also, next thing you are getting  a warm feeling and you noticed that the room you were in is no longer there. You are in a rock tunnel and its well lit. your party is with you and you all noticed that you have be teleported to somewhere but don't know. the woman that you were with is no longer with you. The group starts to go forward and you stay back just to get a feeling to go forward also its very strong. It doesn't seem to feel wrong or the sense that you are not in endanger so you go you go down the tunnel widens up and you are soon in a huge cavern and you realize that there is a great worm gold dragon in front of you and you are not feeling feared at all. You know this to be weird because all dragon big or small have that fear factor that you have to over come other wise you would be running the other direction but for some reason its not there. The dragon starts to talk to the group. Welcome to my home I have brought you here for there is a problem with the world that lines or peace that were set forth are being destroyed and you answered the call. I have brought you here for I wanted to show you that all of us ancients are not goon as many have thought. we need your help for it since there are not a lot of us we can not stop this. we are asking for your help to restore the balance in the world. If the world keeps going the way it is war will break out in all the provinces and destroy the world as we know it. you are thinking oh great another world doom adventure and the others are already asking where to start and what can they do. she answers that she will give you one great item of your choosing. you stop in your thoughts and say what with your eyes all aglow a magical item of your choosing. that means that you can get wonders item that has alsome powers or armor that can protect you from the elements hard decision but then you realize that this will be worth it. so now you have a task to do and figure out the item you want.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Well now that we seen a character story and got a taste of how to build a character. I will now give you a taste of the story of the place the GM/DM will throw the players in. The world is were the players are going to be in to play or have the adventure. sometimes it can start in a bar or it can start out as you run into each other by means of being attacked by random monsters. The world starts like this. The world is very divided, all elves are from the north, all dwarves are from the south, evil and chromatic dragons are from the east and from the west good and metallic dragons. the middle of the world is vast and neutral so all adventures and any body that doesn't want to live by the rules of their aliment or area go here. the dragons tend to leave everyone alone and the there has been peace in this world for over  15thousand years. now something is threating the peace the dragons are crossing the lines and destroying everything in site. an ancient dragon has awoken and is calling for help to anyone who is willing to find out what is going on.  and this is how the game starts the players are sent to an abandoned house were they are meant by a beautiful women who asks them to drink and the game begins with the players choosing to drink or ask questions its all based on what they do next.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Now that we looked at how to get a group together and to get a the players hand book and create a character. now we look at the character it self. Here is a story of one of the players in my game that I GM/DM. MY STORY!! It is a cold wet morning, as it has been for a week now. This forsaken rain doesn't seem to ever let up. HOW DID I GET HERE?!? After waking up seven days ago under a blackberry bush with no memory of who I am, nor my past. I would guess my age to be roughly fourteen, but who knows? After filling up on berries, I followed the rhythmic noise of axes hitting wood and discovered a nearby logging community. It did not take long before I was approached by the local Warden, a Ranger named Eagle Eye most likely because he had a patch over one eye, yet does not appear to miss anything. He obviously noticed I was an orphan and offered a helping hand, allowing me to take up residence in his stables where I made friends with two horses, and a dog. On this day though I was following a cat who appeared to be spying on me. Unfortunately I lost it after two hundred yards to the forest floor. A little irritated at my lack of tracking abilities I went to find Eagle Eye. With some begging he agreed to teach me how to track. For the next month he taught me the difference in the local animals, the tracks they make and the knowledge of weight so if I am hunting I do not find myself on the trail of a young animal that is not worthy of a meal. He spent the next month teaching me how to avoid local dangers, and how to recognize potential dangers where the predators are involved. How they hide in wait for an ambush, how they pick up scents to track their prey down, among other things. By month three, I was following this cat further and further every day. Learning habits and finding random areas where the cat appeared to rest. Today however I have followed the cat for several miles into the forest. Peering into a small clearing through the leaves of a nearby bush I'm witnessing an odd occurrence. The cat has met up with several other cats... nine in total. Fitting huh, considering cats are supposed to have nine lives? hah! Well, I obviously needed to work on my skills of stealth because all nine cats look straight at me. Frightened, I began to run. As futile as that mode of defense was because all nine cats were on me within minutes. They were not attacking me though, or attempting to hurt me in any fashion. To my surprise one of the cats shouted out in common; STOP!! As if commanded by magic, or was it curiosity? My legs stopped immediately, lurching me forward, causing me to fight for balance. As I straighten all nine cats were looking at me in anticipation. This is when they all begin to transform to my alarm. To my embarrassment I shout in fear; LYCONTRHOPE! The cats now fully transformed inform me that not they are not lycanthrope, but instead something better. It was also hard to avoid the obviously naked beautiful women standing in front of me as they tell me they are what is known as; "Masters of Many Forms". At this point I was lost in thought. They had been telling me while my mind was in turmoil and then began to repeat it, explaining that I had potential to become a Master of Many Forms myself. That they had been watching me since I came to this area. How remarkable, I had the potential to shape shift! Averting my eyes, clearing my throat and intrigued I asked how. For the next few months they taught me how to change into a variety of animals; cats, dogs, cows, bulls, and eventually one of the larger predators, a tiger. They taught me the specialties of these forms too, from perfect balance, to the stalking power of and animals stealth. But the most powerful tool was the ability to take in scents and understand what it was I was smelling. With this new found ability, and the knowledge bestowed upon me it was now time to take on the role of adventurer. I must find my own way within the world. Most importantly discover more forms I can catalogue, and learn their secrets.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

A place you might go

this is a place you can go to get your geek on or nerd on. Comic book places are stores that have game rooms where you can set up a naturalplace to go and get together to play
we now have a place to go to hang out and play. lets look at how we are going to make your character. as you can see on the character sheet you have your skills and stats. here is wher you put your name and your character name. you also put your lvl the way your character looks like. ok some GM/DM will say roll 4 d 6 and take the highest 3 but reroll ones. that is what we put in the stats. if you don't roll an 18 you get one auto manically. your ability modifier is what you use in the game it self and you get that from you stat get that you take you stat score subtract by 10 divide by 2 and round down and that is you ability modifier score. you get your skills by what type of character you get from the players hand book. the weapons you use is also determed by the character you play also and the deity you are going to worship.
here is an example of a character that is lvl 21 but has different multy classing at this time this character does not have a deity she kinda is becoming a god herself.